Meet the Board.

Nominated annually at the Smoky Falls POA July Picnic.

Board Members: 2023-2024

Mark Bailey - Interim President

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2023.

  • Retired from Constellation Brands - Premium Beer Wine & Spirits after 28 years - total of 35 years in the business.

  • Full-time resident on Autumn Drive - has been on the mountain since 1994.

  • Second generation Smoky Falls property owner - dad was Troy Bailey (past POA President).

  • Married – Wife (Cathy), married 32 years.

Scott MacPhee - Vice President

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2022.

  • Yacht Captain - Partner Payroll Services.

  • Lives in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

  • Cabin on Sky Drive - second generation property owner since 1995.

  • Married - Wife (Marne), daughters (Laurel and Addison).

  • Both he and Marne are UCF grads - Go Knights! Charge on!

Lydia Freyeisen - Treasurer

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2006 as Treasurer.

  • Grew up in Florida and moved to Maggie Valley in 2005.

  • Owned the Smoky Falls Lodge & restaurant in Maggie Valley until 2020.

  • Married to Eric since 1983. Mother to 2 children (Cyndi and Clint), and Grandma to 5 grandchildren.

Beverly Heinly - Secretary

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2020.

  • Retired Professor from Health Science Department at Midlands Technical College.

  • Building a cabin on Wolf Laurel.

  • Lives in Chapin, SC on Lake Murray.

  • Married – Husband (Gary), Mother of 4 and Grandmother of 5 grandbabies.

Jeff Cornett - Board Member

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2023.

  • Is an AVP for Merchants Bonding Company.

  • Underwrites Surety Bonds for construction companies on public funded projects.

  • He and his wife, Vicki, have a cabin on Wolf Laurel and have been there since 2018.

  • They spend almost all of their free time in Smoky Falls, however they call Charlotte, NC home.

Roger Levine - Alternate Board Member

  • On and off Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2018.

  • One of the original Smoky Falls property owners since 1979.

  • Still owns his original cabin on Wolf Laurel.

  • There was no electricity on the mountain when he first started building his cabin.

  • Graduated from Tampa University, FAU, & Miami Dade with a degree in Civil Engineering.

  • Retired from the Thyssenkrupp Elevator Company after 40 years.

  • Served as an elevator tech at US Elevator, and ran his own business - Tower Erection Company.

  • Nationally certified to inspect elevators, escalators, people movers and amusement parks - certification is globally recognized.

  • Resident of Miami, FL since 1948.

  • Has been married to his beautiful wife (Linda) for 61 years, daughter (Robin Day), son-in-law (Ken Day), 2 sons (Danny, David), and 6 grandkids.

Bob Beaver - Alternate Board Member

  • Smoky Falls POA Board Member since 2019.

  • Holds a PhD PE from University of Central Florida.

  • Retired principal engineer for Walt Disney World Architecture and Facilities Engineering.

  • Over 40 years of experience in environmental and civil engineering.

  • Served as an internal advisor for pavements, transportation and site selection development.

  • Resident of Central Florida since 1973.

  • He and his wife, Terri, love their “rescue” cabin on Hawk Drive.

  • They try to get there whenever they can, so he can rock hound and she can watch the “hummers”.

Board Member Duties

The sole purpose of the Corporation shall be to provide for road maintenance of hard surfaced roads within Smoky Falls.
— SFPOA By-Laws: Article VII, Section I

The description for being a Board Member can be found in the By-laws under Article VII, Section I. The sole purpose of the Corporation shall be to provide for road maintenance of hard surfaced roads within Smoky Falls. This includes existing roads which are graded and developed by the owner/developer. Maintenance of these roads includes: mowing of the sides of the roads, clearing of the ditches, grading, and graveling on an as needed basis as determined by the Board of Directors.  Any damage to said roads by an individual owner during construction, or through operation of construction equipment or heavy equipment, or through any negligence at any time, said homeowner shall be liable for said damage, and said damage shall be repaired at the homeowners expense within thirty (30) days. If homeowner does not repair said damage within thirty days, the Association will repair damage and place a lien on the homeowner’s property.        

Need to ask a question or report an issue to the Smoky Falls POA Board?

We are here to help make our peaceful, scenic mountain community the best it can be.